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Joanna Conings

  • Graduate Student - French

Joanna Conings is a PhD student in French. She started her academic career in Belgium where she studied Germanic languages and literatures (Dutch and English) and continued on for a Masters in English with a specialization in creative writing at Creighton University (Omaha, Nebraska) before receiving an MA in French from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is particularly interested in L2 education and acquisition, particularly in how to integrate virtual reality in the L2 classroom. She is also interested in the development of new pedagogical material using virtual reality and in the development of a curricula based on the "gamification model." She is also interested in 20th - 21st century literature and in Translationstudies. Another interest of hers is Film Criticism; she employs a post-colonial lens to uncover racial biases in popular French movies. Her article "Briser le tabou autour de la violence grâce au théâtre : Une étude de la représentation de l'ambiguïté de la violence au théâtre à travers les pièces de Olympe De Gouges, Nassuf Djailani et Wajdi Mouawad" is forthcoming in the Giornale di Filosofia.